A father's life
Saturday, May 07, 2005
Too much!

My parents are dying. My mom has been ill for several weeks. Dad had the need for her having back surgery. Her recovery has been slow and she is suffering from "dry mouth" that preceeded her medication. A week ago, he called saying that she had lost the will to live. Visiting, she had times where she was confused. She spoke Polish to me, thinking I was Dad's brother.

Dad has stage four colon cancer. Enough said. He's now caring for awife who is racing him to the grave.

Jack wants attention from me and Sharon wants to sit ojn a meditation cushion as much as possible so when I come home she often leaves to go her center.

I's leading a New Warrior Training Adventure that celebrates 10 years of NWTA's in New York. There are a lot of details with that.

Work is crazy.

I'm not sleeping well, having to wake during the night to piss and the having trouble getting back to sleep.

I yelled at jack today. After 3 hours of him refusing to dress himself, he knoocked over my Digimemo and papers from my desk. I yelled, "STOP!" and he started to cry. All afternoon, he told me he loved me as a way of making up with me.

I saw "The Interpreter" this evening and liked it. Great pacing. A welcome break.

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