A father's life
Saturday, July 03, 2004
There are days and times that are clumsy and so it has been the past few days. We spent a few days in Western Mass, mooching off a timeshare company, attending the pitch tat was supposed to be 90 minutes that became three hours! Jack was still on nebulizers so he was off the wall, polus he got an insect bite while we had dinner with a friend and is leg blew up. He was crazy all weekend and after listening to him yell at us for several days, I finally got to apoint where I had enough.
We came home and he started to take pictures off the refrigerator and put them in his Big Red Car and I had enough and put them back on the fridge. He had a melt down. Sharon wanted me to apologize (Dady, tell Jack it's OK . . .No, I'm not going to do that. He needs to know what he's doing is unacceptable).
She comes upstairs to tell me that she had been looking for "adult support" Excuse me, you just insulted me. What he did was not acceptable and I'm not going to pretend it is.
I can see Sharon will tolerate any behavior and its my job to establish limits.